Read our latest blog posts

Podcast episode: energy governance and degrowth (with Adrien Chanteloup)

What is energy governance? What does society value most in a degrowth society? Does degrowth just mean consuming less?

‘Towards Net-Zero through a Circular Economy: the consumer and business perspectives’ Stakeholder Workshop

The CircEUlar and CIRCOMOD teams are delighted to announce an opportunity to hear about their latest research and contribute to shaping the next phases of work. A stakeholder workshop will take place on Tuesday, September 17th in Groningen.

Featured blog posts

Podcast episode: energy governance and degrowth (with Adrien Chanteloup)

What is energy governance? What does society value most in a degrowth society? Does degrowth just mean consuming less?

‘Towards Net-Zero through a Circular Economy: the consumer and business perspectives’ Stakeholder Workshop

The CircEUlar and CIRCOMOD teams are delighted to announce an opportunity to hear about their latest research and contribute to shaping the next phases of work. A stakeholder workshop will take place on Tuesday, September 17th in Groningen.

Lisa Novoradovskaya: Can paying people to turn off their solar panels affect behavioural change?

We often assume that money motivates people, but in psychological research, it has been demonstrated again and again that offering people financial incentives only works short term.

Editorial in ROmagazine September edition: How to increase citizen engagement in climate policy

Many people do not feel sufficiently involved and heard in climate policy development, which is why including the perspectives of all groups in policy development is crucial. How can we increase citizen involvement and include all perspectives?

NWO Goda Perlaviciute chosen as Embassy Science Fellow

Congratulations to our colleague associate professor Goda Perlaviciute for being chosen as an Embassy Science Fellow for public support of future-proof energy systems with the French embassy in the Netherlands!

The Next Step: the after movie

The Next Step summer school after movie is here! Thank you to all our participants, sponsors, speakers, supervisors and organisers, and a huge thank you to our communications intern Li for this beautiful video that really captures the "work hard, play hard" balance of this special week.

Green hydrogen consortium with key roles for University of Groningen researchers receives 13 million euros

A consortium to study the socio-economic impact of green hydrogen, including our colleagues Linda Steg and Goda Perlaviciute, has been granted 13 million euros in total funding.

“It’s not my place as a scientist to also play the part of politician”

Professor Linda Steg has co-written numerous alarming reports on climate change, but in a recent interview with the Dutch Research Council, she explains why she does not choose to be an activist herself.

Podcast episode: climate adaptation and anxiety (with Anne van Valkengoed)

Are climate adaptation and mitigation mutually exclusive? Does climate anxiety play a role in how willing – or able – people are to pursue adaption measures? Can environmental psychology help overcome resistance to adaptation?

Dutch Scientific Climate Council advises government to act decisively with policy on CO2 removal to meet climate goals

The Dutch Scientific Climate Council (WKR), of which our colleague professor Linda Steg is a member, advises the new government cabinet to urgently focus on policy for permanent CO2 removal om their just released advisory report, "Clearing the Air?".

Recycling matters, but consuming less matters more

Despite its comparative ease of use, recycling is actually the least impactful behavior when you look at waste.

Climate action isn’t niche. Suggesting otherwise is undemocratic.

The suggestion that groups advocating for faster climate action are on the fringes of society is completely false. Many people, worldwide and in the Netherlands, are concerned about the consequences of climate change, not only in the future, but right here, right now.

Behavior change is essential for a CO2 neutral Netherlands

The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency calculated how the Netherlands can be climate neutral in 2050. Valuable, but with a major omission, according to scientists Goda Perlaviciute, Thijs Bouman and Linda Steg: the effect of behavior and lifestyle is not included.

Podcast episode: social tipping points (with Žan Mlakar)

What initiates widespread social change? How does social change evolve over time? Why is it hard to discuss sustainability?

Anne van Valkengoed guest editor for special issue on psychology of climate change adaptation

Our colleague post doc Anne van Valkengoed and senior psychology lecturer at the University of Gothenburg Magnus Bergquist will be the guest editors of a special issue of Journal of Environmental Psychology on climate change adaptation.

Read all of our blog posts

Podcast episode: energy governance and degrowth (with Adrien Chanteloup)

‘Towards Net-Zero through a Circular Economy: the consumer and business perspectives’ Stakeholder Workshop

Lisa Novoradovskaya: Can paying people to turn off their solar panels affect behavioural change?

Editorial in ROmagazine September edition: How to increase citizen engagement in climate policy

NWO Goda Perlaviciute chosen as Embassy Science Fellow

Green hydrogen consortium with key roles for University of Groningen researchers receives 13 million euros

“It’s not my place as a scientist to also play the part of politician”

Podcast episode: climate adaptation and anxiety (with Anne van Valkengoed)

Dutch Scientific Climate Council advises government to act decisively with policy on CO2 removal to meet climate goals

Recycling matters, but consuming less matters more

Climate action isn’t niche. Suggesting otherwise is undemocratic.

Behavior change is essential for a CO2 neutral Netherlands

Podcast episode: social tipping points (with Žan Mlakar)

Anne van Valkengoed guest editor for special issue on psychology of climate change adaptation

Summer school supervisor associate professor Amanda Carrico to give Heymans Colloquium

Taking the next step: what our summer school supervisors are looking forward to

Anne van Valkengoed: Adaptation behaviour is about more than just risks

Podcast episode: public participation (with Goda Perlaviciute)

Environmental Psychology Podcast (with Linda Steg)

Behavior change doesn’t have to be hard

Behavior change cannot be overlooked as a climate solution

Goda Perlaviciute finalist for Ben Feringa Impact Award 2024

What does the general public think about solar radiation modification?

Environmental Psychology Groningen: The Podcast!

SMiLES’ interdisciplinary approach is moving the northern Netherlands toward sustainable transport

Are psychological distance and efficacy barriers to climate action?

Environmental psychology myths, debunked: small scale climate action doesn’t make a difference

Can the EU regulate single use plastic away?

Climate emotions: Scientists have feelings, too

Environmental psychology myths, debunked: Most people don’t care about the environment

Environmental psychology myths, debunked: Public participation is a silver bullet for public acceptance

Environmental psychology myths, debunked: people only make climate-friendly decisions if it saves them money

Environmental psychology myths, debunked: climate change will only affect us in negative ways

Scientific Climate Council presents first advisory report to environment minister

Postdoctoral researcher on acceptability of low carbon lifestyles

Insights from environmental psychology on media greenwashing

Postdoc position for promoting constructive discourse in public participation panels

Do people feel that citizen energy councils can play a meaningful role in the energy transition?

Dutch IPCC authors publish open letter for urgent climate policy

Guest researcher Estefanya Vazquez Casaubon: overcoming the yuck factor

Dealing with Climate Anxiety: Studium Generale event featuring EP researcher Valentina Lozano Nasi

Environmental Psychology Groningen featured in special climate and behavior edition of De Psycholoog

What kind of climate policies do environmental psychologists want from the new Dutch government?

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