Circular consumption to reduce environmental pressure: Potential of behavioural change in the Netherlands

The transition towards a circular economy requires a change in what and how we consume. We argue that a realistic estimation of the environmental mitigation potential depends on 1) the environmental benefit that results from a certain circular behaviour, referred to as the ‘theoretical reduction potential’ (TRP), and 2) the behavioural plasticity, reflecting the share of consumers who are not yet engaging in the behaviour but would be willing to do so if circular goods and services are easily accessible and affordable.

Circular consumption to reduce environmental pressure: Potential of behavioural change in the Netherlands Read More »

Exploration of children’s value patterns in relation to environmental education programmes

The present study aimed to investigate the relationships between children’s endorsement of biospheric values, their pro-environmental behaviors, and their perception of their friends’ and peers’ endorsement of biospheric values. Moreover, we investigated whether these values and behaviors, as well as the hypothesized relationships, were affected by educational programmes that were already implemented at schools.

Exploration of children’s value patterns in relation to environmental education programmes Read More »

Are we on the same page? Exploring the relationships between environmental values, self-identity, personal norms and behavior in parent-adolescent dyads

Environmental values, self-identity and personal norms are relevant factors predicting individuals’ environmentally-friendly behaviors. These environmental motivations do not form in solitude but in social interactions, and as such could be shaped by the family context.

Are we on the same page? Exploring the relationships between environmental values, self-identity, personal norms and behavior in parent-adolescent dyads Read More »

The group dynamics sparking social change: how group value in diversity predicts interactions with a deviant

Deviants are pivotal to sparking social change but their influence is often hindered by group dynamics that serve to maintain the status quo. This paper examines the influence of a group’s value in diversity in deviant’s ability to spark social change, with a unique focus on the experience and anticipation of group dynamics that enable minority influence.

The group dynamics sparking social change: how group value in diversity predicts interactions with a deviant Read More »

Time to talk about values, time to say no: What drives public participation in decision-making on abstract versus concrete energy projects?

One way to develop more socially acceptable energy projects is by engaging people with different values (i.e., guiding principles in people’s lives) from early on in decision-making.

Time to talk about values, time to say no: What drives public participation in decision-making on abstract versus concrete energy projects? Read More »