Our colleague associate professor Goda Perlaviciute has been nominated for the Ben Feringa Impact Award 2024 for her work in the field of public participation and the energy transition!

The award has been presented to researchers and students at the University of Groningen annually since 2021 in recognition and appreciation of outstanding achievement from impact-driven research by connecting it to the professional (non-academic) world and/or societal (including economic) practice.

The finalists in the researcher category are:

“MyLeg – A Smart and Intuitive Transfemoral Bionic Leg” – Raffaella Carloni (Faculty of Science & Engineering)

“Public Participation and the Willingness of People to Contribute to the Energy Transition” – Goda Perlaviciute (Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences – University of Groningen)

“URinControl: App-based Treatment for Urinary Incontinence”- Anne Loohuis (Faculty of Medical Sciences/UMCG)

This year, University of Groningen’s Nobel Prize-winning scientist and award namesake Ben Feringa himself will present the award to the winning researchers and students during a ceremony on 21 May in the Aula of the Academy Building of the university.

For each category, one award winner or award-winning team will be declared during the ceremony. The winner’s research project will receive a prize of €5,000 for further research valorisation, and the winning student (team) will receive €2,500, courtesy of the University of Groningen’s Ubbo Emmius Fund.

The finalists in the student category are:

“Food Gardens in Westerkwartier: Challenges and Opportunities” – Martin Ottens, Leslie Knigge and Yasmin Madsen (Campus Fryslân)

“Geospatial Data in International Development, the Case of Malawi” – Jonas Goebel (Faculty of Arts)

“Granting access to health data for secondary purposes – ‘Good governance’ assessment of legal schemes for Dutch HDAB” – Anastasija Spajic (Faculty of Law)