What we do
The Environmental Psychology Groningen expertise group investigates how willing people are to make a personal contribution to the cause of combating climate change and which policies can effectively encourage sustainable behaviour.
Our team
PhD candidate
Associate professor
Management Assistant
PhD candidate
Post doc
Post doc
Dual PhD candidate
Post doc
PhD candidate
Process manager SMiLES
PhD candidate
PhD candidate
Associate professor
Associate professor
Instructor and researcher
PhD candidate
PhD candidate
PhD candidate
Post doc
Assistant professor
Post doc
PhD candidate
Post doc
Associate professor
PhD candidate
PhD candidate
Post doc
PhD candidate
Assistant professor
Post doc
Associate professor
Professor Emeritus
PhD candidate
PhD candidate
PhD candidate
Communications officer
PhD candidate
External PhDs
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems
Japanese Ministry of the Environment
Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving
Ghent University
Ghent University