Join our department! We have a vacancy for a postdoctoral researcher on acceptability of low carbon lifestyles.

The Environmental Psychology group invites applications for a two year, full time post-doctoral researcher position on a project investigating which factors affect the acceptability of low carbon lifestyles.

To effectively mitigate climate change, people have to adopt low carbon lifestyles, meaning that they have to engage in a wide range of low carbon behaviours. Hence, we need to understand how such broader low carbon lifestyle changes can be achieved.

The project aims to identify how people conceive of low carbon lifestyles, to what extent people are willing to accept and adopt low carbon lifestyles, and which factors affect the likelihood that low carbon lifestyle changes are achieved.

Specifically, the project aims to understand how low carbon lifestyles may affect individual’s quality of life, and to what extent individual, social and contextual factors affect evaluations of low carbon lifestyles.

Moreover, the research aims to identify under which conditions low carbon lifestyles will be more acceptable, and which strategies and policies can promote the adoption of low carbon lifestyles.

Find the full vacancy text here (and bear in mind the application deadline is 28 January).

Photo source: Pexels/Cup of Couples